
Mold Awareness

Mold exists everywhere, all of the time. It usually does not bother anyone. But there are times that mold can be a problem.

Problem #1: Mold will be a problem after water damage or water intrusion, roof leaks, pipe leaks, water getting into your home or basement, flooding, etc.

Problem #2: Mold can be a problem for people who are sensitive to mold. Some people experience respiratory problems when they are exposed and can become very ill.

Problem #3: Black Mold: Some molds, for example the “black mold” that has been around forever but people are now talking about, seems to make people ill. Again, some people seem to be more sensitive than others, but this black mold appears to have a greater propensity to cause problems.

Researchers estimate that about 10 percent of the population is severely allergic to mold. Depending on sensitivity, people may experience headaches, runny nose, skin rashes, memory loss, coughing and long periods of listlessness when exposed to mold. Those who are most sensitive may experience severe asthma or feel they have a perpetual case of the flu. Newborns, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems can be severely and even fatally affected. Susceptibility varies with genetic predisposition, age, state of health, and level of exposure. Mold exists everywhere, but it prefers dark, moist areas, such as basements, attics, and dirty air ducts.

In recent months, developers, building owners, home builders and others in the real estate industry have faced an avalanche of legal claims growing out of a substance that is found almost everywhere on earth, is 100 percent organic and has been alive longer than the human race — mold. An array of mold claims have been filed against commercial building owners, home builders and even public authorities that own municipal buildings and courthouses. Almost overnight, mold has joined radon, lead-based paint, asbestos and underground storage tank leaks as sources of environmental concern. In most of these cases, plaintiffs alleged some sort of construction defect that allowed excess moisture to enter their buildings. Defects such as faulty foundations, improperly flashed roofs and simple plumbing mistakes are commonly claimed.


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